Can you find a balance?
How do you balance being a Mother?
We are constantly asked how we do it – raising babies, starting a business and trying to survive! Well, there’s no simple formula and we are still muddling through. Every single day. So let’s try to practice the following together this week.
Firstly, we’ve accepted that balance is internal and is a constant process, some even say it doesn’t exist. You are responsible for checking in with yourself, so try to connect with You. Who are You? Focus on the qualities you have and make a vow to yourself that you will aim to do something for You during the week. We’re talking realistic goals here…
- Wear something that you actually like, (a top, a body lotion, hairstyle).
- Read an article/a few pages of a book
- Listen to an album or podcast you like whilst doing a daily task.
- Try to find pockets of time – if you know your baby/children will nap for 45 minutes, use 10-15 minutes of that time to do something for yourself, before tackling those chores/emails.
- Perhaps do nothing! Just be still and reflect on how you’re truly feeling.
Did you say you don’t have 10 minutes… Have you been scrolling on the ‘gram or Twitter today? Leave your phone somewhere in the house where you won’t pick it up so often.
Give yourself a break and treat yourself with compassion! If things don’t always go to plan, try not to beat yourself up. Let’s be realistic, every day will be different and some plans never materialise. Start accepting that you can’t complete everything in a day! And that in itself is a balanced decision.
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