Organisations offering advice and support
NHS PRENATAL GUIDE - NHS Step by step on what to expect during your prenatal care from health professionals.
AIMS UK - (Association for Improvements in the Maternity Services) They support all maternity service users to navigate the system as it exists, and campaign for a system which truly meets the needs of all.
KICKS COUNT - Information on monitoring baby’s movements in the womb
SPINNING BABIES - Information on improving baby’s fetal position
FNP - Voluntary home visiting programme for first-time young mums and families
TOMMYS - Information on pregnancy complications
PREGNANCY SICKNESS - Information & support on Hyperemesis Gravidarum (extreme pregnancy sickness)
PELVIC PARTNERSHIP - Information on pelvic girdle pain in pregnancy
POSITIVE BIRTH MOVEMENT - Global network of free to attend antenatal groups, linked up by social media
BIRTH RIGHTS - Dedicated to improving women’s experience of pregnancy and childbirth by promoting respect for human rights
WHICH - Helping you to decide where to give birth
BROOK - Sexual Health & Wellbeing support for under 25 Year olds.
MATERNITY ACTION - UK’s leading charity committed to ending inequality and improving the health and wellbeing of pregnant women, partners and young children
MY BUMP PAY - Compare the maternity pay and parental leave policies of UK based companies.
UCLH - NHS Information on postnatal care
THE FOOD DOULA - The Food Doula provides bundles of nourishing and comforting, home-cooked dishes for new parents
NHS POSTNATAL - What happens at your postnatal check ups
TOMMYS C-SECTION - Information on recovering from a C-section
LA LECHE - Breast/chestfeeding Nursing support for transgender and non binary parents
VIDEO - Video on how to attach baby at the breast
HEARTS MILK BANK - Donate or receive milk from this UK milk bank
ABM - Breastfeeding information & support from trained counsellors
BREASTFEEDING COMPANION - Breast/chestfeeding tips
MISCARRIAGE ASSOCIATION - Information & support for miscarriage, molar pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy
#IHADAMISCARRIAGE - Instagram community ran by Dr Jessica Zucker, a psychologist specialising in women's reproductive + maternal mental health
THE ECTOPIC PREGNANCY TRUST - Support for early pregnancy complication
ACTION ON PRE-ECLAMPSIA - Support for those who have experienced pre-eclampsia, concerned relatives and health.
SAYING GOODBYE - Provides support for anyone who has suffered baby loss, at any stage of pregnancy, at birth or in infancy, whether the loss be recent or historic.
SANDS - Information & support on stillbirth & neonatal death
BEST BEGINNINGS - helping families in communities across the country to build their knowledge and confidence to look after their own and their children's health and well-being.
LESBIAN/GAY PARENT - LGBT network for parents and parents to be.
REFUGE - For support with domestic violence in pregnancy.
I TRANSLATE - App that can translate to help communicate with midwives/health professionals
DOULA UK - Accessing online doula support
IMUK - Search for an independent midwife
PREGNANCY CHOICES DIRECTORY - Free help and advice about unplanned pregnancy or post-abortion issues in the UK
BPAS - Advice & information on abortion care
EXPATICA - Useful information on giving birth in the UK
ARC - non-directive information and support to parents before, during and after antenatal screening
POSITIVE BIRTH COMPANY - Collection of positive birth stories
VBAC STORIES - Positive stories of black women having successful vaginal births after C-Secions
BIRTHWORKERS OF COLOUR - Directory listing birth workers of colour throughout the UK
The Birth Partner - Penny Simkin
Birthing From Within - Pam England
10 oils aromatherapy for the childbearing year - Nicola Goodall
Real Food For Pregnancy - Lily Nichols
The Doulas guide to empowering your birth - Lindsey Bliss
The First Forty Days - Heng Ou
The Little Book of Self Care for New Mums - Beccy Hands
Naturally Healthy Babies and Children: A Commonsense Guide to Herbal Remedies, Nutrition, and Health - Aviva Jill Romm
The Wonder Weeks - Hetty Van de Rijt , Frans Plooij & Xaviera Plas-Plooij
Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering: A Doctor's Guide to Natural Childbirth and Gentle Early Parenting Choices - Sarah Buckley